Click HERE to access the Louisiana Department of Education Library that houses data reports for various assessment results.
Employee Resources
Access the various online platforms and documents provided for employees of St. Helena Parish School District.
Salary Schedule - The 2024-2025 Salary Schedule can be accessed by clicking HERE.

Finance Forms - Click HERE to access various financial forms (Travel Expense, Fundraiser, W9, New Vendor, etc.)
Request for Leave Form - Fill this form out when requesting leave from work.
District Email - Access your work email account.
Click HERE to access the 2023-2024 Field Trip Request documents.
Reset Password - Click here to access the LDOE Password Reset System.
School Cash Online - Pay fees, order items, and tickets through our safe, online payment system.
Online Work Order System - submit your work order from the following options below:

St. Helena Early Learning Center
St. Helena Arts and Technology Academy
St. Helena College and Career Academy
Click to access the Teaching UP Booklet
Click to access the NEW Lesson Plan Template
Click HERE to review AI Lessons
Need to schedule a field trip? Click HERE to fill out the form.

AIM Pathways coursework is designed for educators who are committed to learning about the connection between reading research, theoretical models such as the Simple View of Reading and Scarborough’s Reading Rope, and best practices for language and literacy instruction in the classroom. HERE to access the landing page.

Click HERE to access the various tutorials for the RAVE Panic Button System.

All states require at least a bachelor's degree to teach. Louisiana requires a certification area of focus, education coursework, field experience, and student teaching. Click HERE to learn about the various programs that are offered.