
Why a Science Fair?

 A Science Fair is a tool that engages our kids in learning new facts. It develops the curiosity to learn more, which is not created by listening to boring lectures. It provides a platform for them to use their scientific knowledge and bring the best invention from their brains. It also allows our learners to work together in groups and learn from each other. They share their ideas and collectively galvanize those ideas to bring something innovative into implementation. This further allows them to develop their social and moral skills and makes them better team players.  

Kids enjoy learning through such exhibitions as they put effort and make models with their own hands. When they give presentations in exhibitions, they become more familiar with public speaking and this removes their stage fright and imparts self-confidence in them. It also encourages them to ask more questions to address their curiosities. We look forward to seeing what our learners will produce at this year's Science Fair!