Sign up for FREE targeted tutoring for PreK-3rd graders. The program offers tailored instruction for kids who need academic assistance with reading. Click the link to learn more.
We are keeping our learners safe on the bus. This week, we are reviewing expectations and bus safety drills. Thanks to our Mrs. Wright, Mr. Johnson, Mr. White, Mr. Robertson, our high school learners, and entire staff for going the extra mile. #sthelenawinning #RETHINKsthelena
Hawk Nation! Order your 8” pepperoni or cheese pizza for delivery to your child’s school tomorrow! Monday, November 7th, is the last day to order! Order here:
Please come out to Parent Academy! Learners whose parents attend will receive a dress down pass! #sthelenawinning #RETHINKsthelena
Thank you to Mr. Darrell Griffin and SADD ) for being a community partner in our parish. Our SHATA learners and staff love the stress balls donated to us for Red Ribbon Week. We are WINNING because of Mr. Griffin and his organization. #sthelenawinning #RETHINKsthelena
Our fifth-grade educators, Mr. Boykins and Mrs. Cryer, are co-teaching a great math lesson today! Even on Tacky Day, our learners and staff are working hard. Teamwork makes the dream work! #sthelenawinning #RETHINKsthelena
Please join us for Parent Academy tonight, Wednesday, and Thursday! All learners will get a free dress pass if their parents attend.
All Smoothie King purchases must be made by 5:00 pm TODAY! Please order here:
Please support our Winter Coat Drive!
Our third-grade learner, Talen, was so excited to receive a prize for winning the multiplication fact game in his math class. When learning is fun and engaging, everyone wins! #sthelenawinning #RETHINKsthelena
Order your smoothie and get it October 25th. Order here:
Use the QR code to order your delicious smoothie today!!
We are bringing awareness to drug free choices and anti-bullying next week!
Tonight’s regular School Board meeting will be held in the Board Room at Central Office. Committee meetings will begin at 5:45pm.
We love working together at SHATA! Take a peek in Mrs. Wicker's 6th grade class. Learners are providing feedback to each other as Mrs. Wicker guides them toward mastering their daily objective centered on the concept of energy. #sthelenawinning #RETHINKsthelena #soaratshata
The Backpack Program in partnership with the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank was implemented today at the St. Helena Early Learning Center and St.Helena Arts and Technology Center.
St. Helena Arts & Technology Academy would like to welcome our new faculty members to the winning team!
~Shata Strong, Shata Proud~
Purchase your game day tickets online by using the QR Code! It's simple and safe.
The SHCCA Cheer Team will be hosting a cheer clinic from October 4th - 6th from 3:30pm-6:00pm. The fee is $25. Participants will learn the fundamentals of urban cheer. For details, email or Snacks will be provided.