To Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
The Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) is conducting a survey to determine if your child’s school finds ways to involve you as a means to improve services for your child. The information you provide will help the LDOE, policymakers, and educators improve services and results for students receiving special education services. Your child’s school district is among 27 districts/charters chosen to participate in this year’s Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) parent involvement survey. Your child’s identity and your responses to this survey will remain confidential. Please use the unique ID below to complete the survey. Surveys in Spanish, Vietnamese, and Arabic will be available on the LDOE website. The survey can also be accessed using the barcode at the bottom of this page. All surveys must be completed by June 30, 2022. If you have questions or need assistance completing the survey, please contact a staff member from your regional Families Helping Families Center at (800)-383-8700. Thanks in advance for your participation.