Monday, January 4, 2021
According to the most recent data from the Louisiana Department of Health, St. Helena Parish is at the highest risk level for COVID-19. As a result, the following plan will be implemented for our students as they return for the second semester of school beginning January 5, 2021.
· We will stagger the return of our students for face-to-face instruction starting Tuesday, January 5, 2021.
· Once again, we are fortunate to have access to free COVID-19 testing and other medical services at each of our school sites through Southeast Community Health Systems. All students will have access to FREE COVID-19 testing on the day they return to school. All protocols will be followed if any student tests positive.
· Parents who wish to have their children tested with their primary care physician or other testing services may do so on or before their student returns to school.
· Parents who had their student tested within the past five days only need to provide test results to their school principal.
· Parents who have concerns about the COVID-19 testing should call their child’s school principal prior to their child reporting to school.
· Student will use the eLearning Model on the days they are not scheduled to return to school. For example, the 7th and 8th grade students will report to school on Monday and will be virtual on Wednesday and Thursday. They will report back to school on Friday.
· We will implement the Blended Model (Black and Gold Week) if we experience high positive cases of COVID-19 among our teachers and/or students.
· Parents wishing change their student’s placement to eLearning or face-to-face must notify the school on or before January 8th. First-time eLearning students must fill out the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and submit it to the school on or before January 8th.